
An Excellent Short Horror Film: "There Is No Antimemetics Division" (Ep 1 - SCP Horror Short Series)

Hecuba's daughter3/30/2024 11:23:59 pm PDT

re: #144 Belafon

Did you read the two Joyce books listed?

I never read either BUT many years ago I read a sci-fi short story (author, title, and most of plot long forgotten) which involved a priest traveling on a star ship to another system. During the story the priest was studying a book — and excerpts from the book appeared in the text. I thought he was reading some bizarre futuristic novel — but the end it was revealed that the book was actually Finnegan’s Wake. Those excerpts were sufficient to deter me from ever attempting Joyce’s magnum opus (well, either of them).

OTOH The Sound and the Fury was required reading in my mandatory college literature class and I did enjoy it.