
Quran-Burning Church Pastor: 'Islam is of the Devil'

palomino7/31/2010 3:12:47 pm PDT

re: #156 Fozzie Bear

Romney may be one of the most sane of the current GOP crop, but I think you are right. The GOP “base” hates the man, and he doesn’t exactly appeal to liberals either. He strikes me as smarmy and inauthentic. The man is unelectable, even though he is probably one of the better choice in the GOP.

He’s a political shapeshifter, switching his position of virtually everything: gays, guns, abortion, healthcare—and once the primaries start, you can probably add more to the list.

But he’s not a firebreathing teabagging extremist like Gingrich and Palin. And he’s not a simpleton like Huckabee. He’s actually a serious problem solver, with a list of pragmatic achievments. He’s the only Republican currently in the mix that I would even consider voting for.