
What Right Wing Racism? "This Is How We Feed Animals"

A Mom Anon8/29/2012 11:43:40 am PDT

CNN is scared of these asshats, that’s why they’re being so incurious. If they weren’t scared they would have reacted differently.

I truly wonder how many threats GOP members of congress and local level office holders get from their own extremists? In the past few years I’ve seen seemingly reasonable people,who embody the word conservative(the dictionary definition,not our modern political one) move into this awful,unreasonable hard right stance and I really wonder if they’ve been threatened to take that stance with threats of violence or personal exposure of some kind if they don’t. An older neighbor of mine who used to be quite active in local politics says he’s heard of local office holders being threatened with violence on more than one occasion for daring to challenge the tea party on some of their more ridiculous stances. So I wonder if this happens more often than we know.