
Lindsey Graham: Illegals Come Here to 'Drop a Child'

webevintage7/29/2010 12:42:55 pm PDT

re: #164 ProLifeLiberal

And here I thought that Graham wasn’t a complete nut.

Off topic, but Mahmoud Ahmanutball said something laughably stupid again, this time about Paul the Octopus.

It is a funny story.

“What have you infidels done this time to infuriate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad so thoroughly? (Trick question, for your very existence forces Ahmadinejad to hate you at all hours of the day.) But his never-ceasing hatred has just been multiplied by infinity, thanks in part to a certain German octopus by the name of Paul, who is worshiped like a false Western prophet because he incorrectly guessed Spain would win the World Cup and not “Death to America.” Ahmadinejad laughs and laughs at your so-called octopus.”

Read more at Wonkette: