
New Study: US Weather Stations Not Biased Toward Warming

Mad Prophet Ludwig1/30/2010 1:08:56 pm PST

re: #156 Racer X

I’m sorry if I ran Ludwig off - I think he really is a smart guy and I value his opinion. But there is no denying the epic failure of Copenhagen. And the hypocrisy.

The failure of the AGW crowd to effectively manipulate public opinion to their side is a travesty. A tragedy. er, a bummer, man.

You didn’t run me off. I have like I said lots of stff to do. However, to respond to your comments…

AGW is political as it is because of the GOP denial machine. The GOP has made denying the science a party plank. Good little GOP drones everywhere get all indignant about how evil liberals are telling them that they need to change their lifestyles for the greater good. We all know of course that doing anything for someone other than oneself is against everything the GOP stands for. Curiously of course, addressing AGW saves themselves as well but that would require them learning the science.

As to the failure at Copenhagen…

One of the biggest things that made it a failure was the fact that the US could not guarantee any treaty that we would agree to actually being ratified. That is partially the fault of weak, disorganized and fractured Dems, who are suject to their wn special interests, and mostly the fault of the GOP swearing up and down to kill any such treaty.

Many will talk about the tactics of Russia and China at that conference as well. Those are big and damning flaws. However, if anything was to get done, someone needed to lead, and the GOP made certain that we could not.