
Happy New Year, LGF

Escaped Hillbilly12/31/2010 10:54:58 pm PST

re: #168 Slumbering Behemoth

I would say, buying them such a device at that age is a little ridiculous anyway. But expecting parents to peer over their children’s shoulder as the open the package is silly. You got a kid? Do you hover over them as they flip through the channels or turn on their computer…constantly? Come on. No sane person is that diligent. He was right in the next room and came in immediately. Sounds pretty responsible to me. It’s not really that big an issue. Kids get peaks of adult stuff all the time. It was nipped in the bud. I’m sure he returned it right away. No big deal. But I don’t think you should make it sound as if he’s a negligent parent because they got a peak at a booby. I remember sneaking in to cut up my dad’s Playboys for paper dolls. Kids get into things. Parents do what they can within reason and without smothering. I don’t even see why this made the news.