
Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia Urged US to Attack Iran

DaddyG11/29/2010 11:47:21 am PST

re: #163 Obdicut

You’re now the one who seems defensive.

He’s speculated. He said there’s a good chance, and explained why— the similarity of their motives, loyalty to the constitution above anything else. To you, this is insufficient, but it does form the basis for a conjecture.

What exactly are you demanding, that wouldn’t be actual proof of a link?

Proof of any kind would be nice. Otherwise the speculation is no more valid than if I said “There’s a good chance that the dick who stole the emails was part of liberal endorsed Code Pink anti-millitary movement.”

If I did that (and meant it) the left of center Lizards would be all over my ass. Killgores celebrity status and the use of the modifier “there is a good chance” does not excuse him substantiating his speculations.

I’m somewhat surprised in that he usually does a good job of substanciating he claims.