
Republicans Bitterly Disappointed as Plot to Deprive Millions of Health Care Fails Bigly

Sufficient unto the day...7/28/2017 7:20:39 am PDT

re: #167 Birth Control Works

You know, I really have to wonder who is pulling the strings here. McConnell and the whole GOP are behaving as if someone/thing very powerful has the goods on them. It’s beyond politics, even beyond obsession.

It’s as if someone has a metaphorical gun to their heads.

I’ve got to agree, it makes no sense. Putin isn’t in the picture here, because he’d be OK with just plain disarray, he’d have no desire for a specific legislative outcome on a domestic matter, especially not this desperation for speed. Kochs, Mercers etc aren’t really good suspects because they CAN play the long game and again, the desperation for speed keeps backfiring.