
In 2009, Snowden Said Leakers "Should Be Shot" - but He Told Greenwald He Planned to Leak in 2008

Charles Johnson6/26/2013 5:48:51 pm PDT

re: #175 jdoc1357

Indeed, he’s being persecuted for his actions, but this is also related to his beliefs. Guangchen was also being persecuted for his actions.

Edward Snowden dishonors the memory of true heroes of human rights who saw it as an integral part of civil disobedience that you don’t run away - you put your beliefs on the line and deal with the legal consequences, and by doing so, expose the injustice even more and force real changes under the US’s democratic system.

What Snowden did is what a weasel does - even Glenn Greenwald said it. He revealed details of secret programs to China to “ingratiate” himself to them.

Not a hero. Not even close. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and yes Daniel Ellsberg — these are heroes, because they dealt honestly and courageously with their beliefs. They didn’t run away, and leak secrets to foreign governments to ingratiate themselves.