
Video: Obama at Republican House Retreat

jamesfirecat1/29/2010 1:07:27 pm PST

re: #149 SixDegrees

True. But the current deficits, and those projected over the next decade or so, dwarf even the worst deficits of the past by several times. One look at the rapidly escalating national debt shows that currently proposed budgets are completely unsustainable, and that the day of reckoning is fast approaching - not just within our children’s lifetime, but within ours, as debt exceeds GDP in as little as 9 more years, with the deficit growing at an unprecedented rate.

If I remeber a study my brother once saw our national debt goes up whenever we’re in a war and goes down when we’re not. The problem is that we never got around to fully paying of the national debt from WW2, and its been increased by every war since.

So maybe once we get out of Iraq and Afganistan (a million dollars a solider talk about out of control government spending) then hopefully we’ll have a better shot at decreasing the national debt.

All we are saying…. is give peace a chance….