
Grand Jury Documents Reveal Shockingly Lax Police Procedures in Ferguson

EPR-radar11/26/2014 1:25:51 pm PST

In the credit where credit is due department, here we have a RedState moderator and front pager trying to get his side to stop dancing on the grave of Michael Brown.

In back and forth in the comments, Streiff provides this characterization of Officer Wilson, which I happen to agree with completely.

I see him as an immature jerk who tried to show some black kid who had the biggest wee-wee and let events get out of control. I saw the interview. I read the self-serving “purjimony” to the grand jury. If he had been a non-cop with these facts he’d be in jail. I’m not saying he belongs there but he doesn’t need to have a badge and a gun and be in the business of enforcing laws.