
Aerial Photos Show 215,000 Attended Stewart-Colbert Rally

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈10/31/2010 8:27:35 am PDT

re: #95 Lidane

In other news, bears are Catholic and the Pope…well, you know:

Tea Party Movement Alienating Young Voters: Tea Party’s Social Views Alienate Young Voters, Even Among Fiscal Conservatives, Analysts Say

My brother and sis-in-law are Evangelical Christians in their very early 40’s. The hatred of gays and minorities that you so often see in the Tea-Party movement has no place in their lives, or in the lives of the people they study and worship with.

It’s slower-going with Social Conservatives, but I believe that most of us Americans are becoming better people over time, including the SoCons.

Slavery is gone, women can vote, races can intermarry, we’re moving toward the end of marijuana prohibition, and moving toward legalizing gay marriage. Things are getting better socially all the time.