
Sunday Night Jam: The Bird and the Bee, "Los Angeles"

Nyet7/27/2015 12:20:58 am PDT

Here is a top political commentator of the state “1st channel” Anton Vernitsky in all his glory:

USA… We caught a taxi. The driver was a Hindu in a turban. We told him where we should go and then began to speak in Russian. After all he doesn’t understand anything!
At first we joked: “What a mug! And what a funny turban!”. Then we began to think out loud how to get more of the blank cheques from him. In order to write off more travel expenses.
So, we’re discussing the criminal plan. Without shyness. After all he won’t understand. Someone proposes: “You distract him when we arrive, and I’ll snatch the cheques. They lie there. A whole staple!”
And, with laughter, “If he resists, we’ll fuck him up. That is, hit him on the head. Ha ha!”. We have arrived… And the Hindu says in the purest Russian: “Don’t fuck me up! I’ll give you the cheques myself!”
Turned out he had studied in USSR in Lumumbarium… Probably was a straight-A student…

These people run Russia.