
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Inadvertently Admits Texas Law Intended to Limit Abortion

majii6/27/2016 8:10:42 pm PDT

This b*st*rd can watch thousands of his own citizens die due to lack of health insurance while claiming to be pro-life. He’s not pro-life, he’s pro-fetus. Once kids are born, he and his right-wing buddies think they’re on their own, and don’t care whether they have food, clothing, or shelter. Ask them to allocate even one additional million in the budget for the care of these kids, and they can find all kinds of excuses as to why it’s a bridge too far. When Perry was in office, the Dallas Morning News revealed that one of his economic development schemes had passed out taxpayer money to his friends in the business world with little/no oversight. Some companies that received funds didn’t submit any paperwork. They just asked, and Perry gave it to them, but when it comes to them doing something for helpless little kids, all we hear is, “Oh, no, it costs too much!” They’re b*st*rds, evil *ss b*st*rds.