
Democratic Party to Women: Your Rights Are Less Important Than Winning Elections

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/31/2017 10:50:46 am PDT

re: #4 freetoken

I have no idea whether this will work to change the number of Democrats who win Congressional districts.

There are quite a few different dynamics at action in American politics today. Identity politics is certainly making itself felt. Some of the older economic insecurity (old age pensions, for example) issues are still important. The rise of the religious right is a response in part to the ongoing de-Christianization of society, which is happening albeit slowly.

I find it a bit self-defeating to declare there are no “litmus tests” when a party has a platform. Is not the platform the nexus of ideas and goals?

Given that some of the people on my Facebook wall who voted for Trump seemed to be mostly driven by fanaticism over abortion, it’s not hard to understand why this idea of no “litmus” on abortion came about.

I am struggling mightily with this.

The whole abortion as a moral dilemma is abjectly stupid and to me abhorrent. Personally, as soon as you show any sway that abortion is a moral issue, you lose. Period. If it is morally wrong, it is wrong if you do it once or a million times. Abortion is removing a clump of cells. It is not a guarantee of a human being, it’s a potential person. If it cannot live outside of its host, it’s not a moral issue. (And third term abortions are to save either the mother or usually to remove a dead fetus. Third term abortions are a shiny object to get moral outrage geared to 1000.) The whole “as few as possible” when it comes to abortion is automatically ceding the moral argument. And to me, wrong. Abortions are surgical procedures and if a woman has 1000 abortions, so be it. No morality involved.

So, that’s my take on abortion.

But, that said, we have spoken many times about all politics being local. To get a democrat elected we might have to allow varying priorities throughout localities around the country.

**IF** people’s personal opinions are not going to affect their votes (a la Biden), this is a pill to be swallowed. Having democrats voting for anti-abortion legislation, that’s a completely different animal.