
GOHMERT! God Will Punish America for Obama Dissing Netanyahu

Romantic Heretic1/27/2015 6:05:53 am PST

re: #141 FemNaziBitch

For those who don’t understand why people just can’t Not Have Sex as a form of birth control…

Why we need COMPRHENSIVE SEX ED and Cost-Free Contraception.

My wife’s stepfather was a monster. If he wasn’t already dead I would have made it my life’s ambition to hunt the man down and peel his skin from his flesh. When my wife reached out for help she wasn’t believed because stepfather was “A good, Christian man.”

Then she married a man (not me) whose idea of fun was beating her. She managed to escape, and he murdered the brother of his next girlfriend. Gutted him like a deer. Pled down to 2nd degree murder. Got out three years ago.

I don’t find Freddy or Jason scary because there are far, far worse monsters out there and they often get away with it.

Oh, and that girlfriend? Moved back in with the monster when it was released. This is not behaviour I can fathom.