
Video: Fox News Pimps Bogus Noah's Ark Story

fat bastard vegetarian4/29/2010 11:42:26 am PDT

re: #169 LudwigVanQuixote


I have a Christian pastor friend who is fond of telling the story of the Loaves and Fishes. Basically, her simple premise is that Jesus didn’t turn five fishes and two loaves (or was it five loaves and two fishes?) into food for thousands. The miracle (she puts forth) is that Jesus was able to get a group of five thousand people who had walked miles to see/hear him to share the food that they would’ve brought with them (really, no one would have thought to pack a lunch?) with each other.

That is a better narrative, in my opinion.

As a Christian, I believe many of the stories of the Bible and of Christ are indeed true and many have other very plausible explanations.

I’m probably gonna burn in hell for thinking that… but… well, there are other reasons…