
Seth Meyers on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Creepy Feud With NPR's Mary Louise Kelly

Dangerman1/29/2020 6:21:36 am PST

re: #176 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

What is a bit curious about this (on second thought, maybe not) is given that how the Trumps appear to be heavily in the pockets of the Saudi Arabians why they are unilaterally tossing out a “take it or leave it” deal that runs entirely in Israel’s favor and not taking Palestinian concerns into account or even consulting them.

My second thoughts is that this is another iteration of the Arab world throwing the Palestinians under the bus as a convenient victim in pursuit of their own anti-Israel policies. Saudi Arabia is not hurt much, if at all, by Israel doing things here. But this will keep the Palestinian Authority riled up, possibly rile up Jordan enough to mess up their truce/peace with Israel, and be steps towards ratcheting up the tensions in the Middle East.

They used a “let’s build a resort here ” template document