
Horror Short Film: "How to Make a Ghost"

Hecuba's daughter10/05/2023 9:17:15 am PDT

re: #40 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

And yet the current GOP frontrunner is a big-city, draft-dodging, mincing fancy-boy who wears makeup, heels and a girdle.

Draft-dodging is what my generation did to avoid the destruction of the Vietnam War. I would never criticize Trump for that — but for his absolute contempt for those who served and were injured, imprisoned, or killed while fighting for our nation. When he disparaged McCain in 2015 and the GOP base shrugged it off, that revealed something very sick in the party. These people are willing to fight, kill, and die for Trump but not our nation. They are forces for destruction who are leading us to the end of democracy and toward authoritarianism if they are not stopped.