
Captain America #104, 'Slave of ... the Skull!' (August 1968)

ausador7/31/2010 9:00:20 pm PDT

“Newsweek” and I are done, I will no longer be renewing my subscription. It has turned into a magazine by idiots for idiots with nothing but cover to cover 500 word essays on how the world could be so much better if only we were all smart enough to listen to them. If they are all so smart why are they stuck working for Newsweek? huh?

Their latest published facile, one-dimensional, rosy tinted, piece of crap is about keeping terrorists from getting nuclear weapons. Their solution? Total global nuclear disarmament, thats right, if every gave up their nukes then the terrorists couldn’t possibly get any! Right?

How effing stupid do they think I am? Or maybe I should just be asking how stupid are they?