
Video: Chasing the Ice

Stonemason12/22/2009 3:20:45 pm PST

Let’s say, hypothetically that I sit on the fence, that I can look around me and see that the climate is changing, has changed forever, but might be changing faster this time around. This change may have something to do with me, you, and every other living thing on the planet. Okay…simple question: (and I am being serious here, I am not flaming, this is what puts me on the fence)

If the science is settled now, we have caused the planet to warm, fine, I like science. Why then, when the science was settled and we humans were causing the next ice age in the mid ’70s, is that science wrong but the new science right?

Please, I am serious here, I bought into that science then, that is the reason I am unsure of this science…