
Video: Obama at Republican House Retreat

keloyd1/29/2010 1:12:31 pm PST

On the subject of multinational corporations = evil, I’m calling shenanigans on that. Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel, he has a chapter on how the big oil companies compare to government-owned Big Oil (like Mexico) of similar size, niche, and total capital, especially in New Guinea, where one would guess you can get away with cutting corners. It turns out the big corporations are much better behaved environmentally than government-run counterparts. The big companies who can get beaten about the head and shoulders with bad publicity are the best behaved. Corporations are never good or evil, they just react to their incentives.

Same goes for segregation in the US 50+ years ago. They were a force for giving the people what they wanted, good or ill.