
Overnight Ocean Thread

Spare O'Lake10/30/2009 7:32:59 am PDT

re: #180 RogueOne

a pit bull name “hazel”. the kid on the video said the dog just barked at the cop. Still, none of that matters. The officer walked into their house, unnanounced. I have 2 large dogs, if someone walks into my house unnanounced they’re dog food. It’s my house, don’t walk into my house without my permission.

The cops were not there on a lark - they were doing their job. The kid on the video may be lying. The music may have been blasting so loud that the youts never heard the cops knocking.
But leaving aside for a moment the technical legality of the entry, do you really think the officer should have just stood there and allowed the charging pit bull to consummate its intended bloody attack?