
Seth Meyers: Trump Called to Testify, Storms Out of Court After Judge Fines Him $10,000

Decatur Deb10/27/2023 10:07:18 am PDT

re: #188 Scottish Dragon

That’s what having the Speakership would give them as far as they are concerned. After that, it simply raw exercise of power. If it goes down as I fear it might, I think we see large blue states refusing to recognize the House installation of a POTUS that lost the EC. Then things start getting bloody. Prof Timothy Snyder outlines the scenario

Not say’n we won’t get out hair mussed….

The military is structurally incapable of dividing effectively—not even if it wanted to. Your local sheriff and his good ol boys are a more plausible, but temporary threat. Every liberal I can assess is at least redundantly armed, and the smart ones can’t be assessed.