
Video: Obama at Republican House Retreat

cliffster1/29/2010 1:13:22 pm PST

re: #168 marjoriemoon

Oh sorry, I didn’t bold that. I think it was pre-bolded heh

Oops, my mistake

I had no idea he supported buying ins across state lines. It’s a horrible idea.

I’m interested in hearing why you feel this way?

I also have a problem with tort reform. Let’s say you have a man who’s making $300,000 a year, a wife, 2 kids, lives in Atlanta. Not a bad salary. Doesn’t put him in the millionaire category, but upper middle class, yes? Pretty big city, not LA or NY.

He’s killed because of negligence, say a defective car… the wheels fall off, he crashes, dies instantly. What should his wife get paid? She is not skilled, but now has to take care of herself and two kids. Should she be forced into the poor house because some moron didn’t give a care to make a safe vehicle?

I worked for a med mal firm at one time and almost this exact scenario happened, btw.

Well, in your example, that is not related to health care reform. It’s not referring to all tort, just medical malpractice. Additionally, it’s tort reform, not tort elimination. Obviously, there are many cases where there is negligence, and a civil lawsuit with pain/suffering/continuing-expense awards are appropriate. Spelling out what separates good suits from bad ones is what makes reform a challenge.