
CPAC's Attempt at Covering Up a Minor Server Glitch Backfires

electrotek2/25/2015 5:11:56 pm PST

re: #178 CuriousLurker

Yeah, apparently Isfahani dogs are better off than Arabs.

And is there any wonder why people like Saddam or the Salafis hold such hatred towards Persians?re: #181 CuriousLurker

Yep, I can’t argue with any of that.

And also, they get really upset if you tell them there’s no such thing as a full-blooded Persian as well. And it’s true, not even Cyrus the Great was full Persian and neither were the members of the Pahlavi family. Most of the ones who keep gloating about past Persian empires ironically have Azeri blood, and we all know how Persians think about Turks in general.