
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

austin_blue5/27/2015 8:00:41 pm PDT

re: #46 lawhawk

Mandatory ultrasounds - the cost of which are borne by the woman who seeks an abortion. Adding to the cost of health care by mandating a procedure that is wholly medically unnecessary in most instances.

There is no reason for this procedure to be conducted. It’s supposed to be between the doctor and their patient, but instead the GOP has decided that they know better than the medical community. Way to show your small government credentials by being so small that you can fit up in the lady bits with room to spare for an extraneous and unnecessary medical procedure.

And for all the talk about fiscal responsibility, this procedure is fiscally irresponsible by adding to health care costs for all - but especially for the poor and those in need of an abortion.

That, apparently, trumps all else - add to the costs, make it impossible to get a legal abortion, and the GOP claims victory. Never mind that they’ve committed themselves to dismantling the safety net, wont provide assistance to parents with newborns or kids.

More to the point, the reason an intra-vaginal wand is necessary is because the “human” can’t be found externally. WAY too small and undeveloped.

If the definition of human death is the lack a functional brain (so we don’t become vivisectionists for transplanted organs), then why isn’t this a reasonable working definition of human life?

Oh, we’ve let people whose morality is based on the tribal history of a small population in the Middle East, which is God’s Truth, AND the teachings of a heretic to the first group, who had him killed by the Romans, which are also God’s Truth, seize our political discourse.
