
Time for Climatologists to Up Their Game

Gus11/28/2009 4:11:12 pm PST

Think about this next time your lobbying for nuclear power. The JBS still sees Mr. Oppenheimer as “a problem.”

Some lunatic rantings from the JBS:

Los Alamos has a history of security breaches. The most notorious case in recent years is that of scientist Wen Ho Lee, who was suspected of passing data on U.S. nuclear weapons to China. But questions about the security of nuclear secrets at Los Alamos go back much farther. The biggest questions surround the lab’s first director, J. Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the bomb.” According to Gregg Herken, author of the book Brotherhood of the Bomb, “Robert Oppenheimer was a member of a closed unit of the Communist Party’s professional section in the Bay Area, from 1938 to 1942….”

In a memoir written by Barbara Chevalier, wife of Communist Party member Haakon Chevalier and a close associate of Oppenheimer’s, she claimed that her husband had approached Oppenheimer about spying for the Soviet Union. In that memoir, Herken noted in an article in The New York Review of Books, “she confirmed that Haakon had approached Oppenheimer to spy for the Soviet Union during the war, that both had been members of the Party’s professional section—which often met at the Chevaliers’ residence—and that ‘Oppie’s membership in a closed unit was very secret indeed.’”

Oppenheimer considered himself “a fellow traveler.” Had he been around today these crazies of today would have chastised him.