
Stunning New Music and Video From Crowded House: "Teenage Summer"

No Malarkey!4/14/2024 4:26:11 am PDT

re: #188 William Lewis

Sounds as wishy washy as it had to be in order to actually get filmed. They would have probably been better off dressing it in a SF or fantasy garb and making it more explicitly about our current situation - if with more “plausible deniability” - than this, ala Captain Pike on Kiley 279?

That or do rip off Capa and Taro in Spain which could easily be used to tell a very similar story line with real political elements as well.

But no, that’s too difficult these days. Can’t shot the movie in too many places and risk too many whines here.

If Garland had made the movie explicitly about Trump and the MAGA movement, it would’ve faced thunderous denunciation on the Right, and you can imagine our reaction if it had taken a MAGA viewpoint and made Offerman’s President a Democrat. Perhaps by not immediately shutting down conservative brains, it will give MAGA some second thoughts about whether they really want that Civil War they have been prepping for. Or maybe it made war look so thrilling MAGA will be all the more eager to take up arms if Biden wins in November as I expect him to. Who knows!