
Video: Alex Jones Says Donald Trump Is a 9/11 Truther

William Lewis11/28/2016 8:50:16 pm PST

re: #191 baileylamb

As I’ve stated before. I’m black, and I have kids, I don’t think black ppl can solve this. Not one bit. As the Oswalt piece explains. I can’t appeal to their morality, and I will not lower myself into subservience.

So yes you should fight, bc they don’t understand how every white person diet think like them (check out that video of the woman ranting g in Chicago).

But black ppl fighting, especially nonviolently, yea that bugs them, bc deep down inside they know they are immoral and they can’t stand it when we have the higher ground.

I’m a fat white old fart. I will be fighting here presuming the worst doesn’t happen and you will be welcome when you’re ready to return. That wasn’t snark - just reality. I will stay, I will resist and it will be for everyone. America will always be here for Americans.