
Alabama Tells Roy Moore He Lost, Just Go Away Now

Anymouse 🌹🏑😷12/28/2017 4:35:56 pm PST

re: #181 The Vicious Babushka

Who are the Top 10 Assholes of 2017, not including Donald J. Trump 10 times

In no particular order:
1. Milo Yiannopoulos
2. Sean Hannity
3. Roy Moore
4. Donald Trump Jr.
5. Ivanka Trump
6. Steve Mnuchin
7. Jeff Sessions
8. Tomi Lahren
9. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
10. Paul Ryan

You left out Mitch McConnell, Steve King, Martin Skhreli, Chuck C. Johnson, the mass murderer in Las Vegas, there are so many assholes it’s hard to make a list.