
Colbert Riffs Brilliantly on Mikes Pence and Johnson: Trump Wants Pence's Endorsement | Speaker Mike Johnson Takes the Bible Literally

lawhawk11/01/2023 5:53:02 am PDT

re: #189 Dangerman

THIS is why i said the other day when TFG says obviously idiotic stuff like $8 gas in CA or electric cars only go 10 miles or Hungary shares a border with Russia we should NOT write that off as just the idiotic hyperbole we know it is.

it should be hammered as either stunning stupidity for a man who would be president or ‘his age’.

he should not get a pass for being a moron

Olbermann is saying that we should hammer Trump for every gaffe as a sign of his age. There are polls supporting that ppl think both Biden and Trump are too old, but Trump’s the one showing all kinds of crazy behaviors, including failing to know the year, location, counting, basic math, etc.

My old man can beat up your old man.