
Strangely Beautiful Photos of Desolation and Abandonment

Blind Frog Belly White3/31/2014 8:45:56 am PDT

One aspect of the ‘Hobby Lobby’ case I haven’t seen mentioned often enough - Hobby Lobby is a legal fiction, created by its owners to separate its liabilities from their assets. If Hobby Lobby goes bankrupt, the company’s creditors will not show up at the owners’ doorstep to repossess the car, foreclose the house, and confiscate their other possessions.

Hobby Lobby’s owners have thus declared that Hobby Lobby is NOT them, that they are separate. And yet now they want us to believe that Hobby Lobby = them, and thus that it shares their religious beliefs. Perhaps we should allow them their ‘religious freedom’ if they disincorporate, and put their own personal assets at risk, and pay the personal income tax rate on all HL’s profits?

Just spitballing here….