
Gingrich: Park51 Community Center is 'Hostile to Our Civilization'

lawhawk7/29/2010 6:51:02 am PDT

re: #197 Remaincalm

Yup. That pretty much sums it up (and repeats much of what I’ve been saying since this first came up). The project isn’t going to be derailed by an LPC vote either - as the group can simply alter its plans accordingly. The project isn’t in Ground Zero, and there are no laws that would prohibit such construction.

Ex Tea Party candidate for gov in NY, Carl Paladino, says that the state or city should condemn the site via eminent domain to turn it into a war memorial (on grounds that the site was hit by parts from one of the planes that blew up the Twin Towers), but under that theory, pretty much all 20-30 surrounding buildings should be demolished and turned into a memorial - including the one that I work in.

Around Ground Zero, the issue is pretty much a nonissue - with everyone focusing on the pace of construction, which is finally getting aboveground in many parts - and there’s visible signs of construction. The block on which the mosque and community center is to be located is a drab and dreary site - the rest of the block is lacking the typical vibrant life seen elsewhere in Lower Manhattan - and a community center is sorely needed downtown.

The only part on which I’m hesitant is the sources of funding - and the Cordoba House backers need to do much more community outreach to show that they’re not obtaining funding from sources that might be connected to terror groups - such as charities that are little more than front groups to Hamas. They need to be much more sensitive to the community’s concerns - and the image and appearances of dedicating the facility on 9/11 of all dates - even if the date is merely coincidental.