
60 Minutes' Benghazi Eyewitness Asked Fox News for Money

Blind Frog Belly White10/28/2013 1:50:28 pm PDT

re: #13 Dark_Falcon

The idea is that Obama had his foreign policy people lie about the Al Qaeda connection and downplay the entire matter generally to keep it from being a drag on his reelection campaign.

But then why didn’t he send in the aforementioned 150 heavily armed, combat ready Marines that are imagined to be within half an hour of anywhere on Earth? Why the alleged ‘Stand Down’ order?

It seems to me that it’s another example of mutually exclusive beliefs - on the one hand, Obama hates America so much he WANTED those 4 people to die, but on the other hand he wanted to hide the True Nature of the attack.

It seems to boil down to Obama is SO INCOMPETENT that even his evil plots don’t make any damned sense!!!

Note: I didn’t say that I believe this.

You seem to be a recovering Republican, Dark.