
Breaking: Donald Trump Sued by Assaulted Louisville Protesters for Inciting a Riot

mr.fusion3/31/2016 7:21:53 pm PDT

Sorry to go so off topic so soon, but OH MY GOD YOU GUYS

Milo’s articles written by interns

A leading voice of the new “alt-right,” tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, does not write many of the articles that appear under his byline on the conservative news site, two sources who have worked directly with him told BuzzFeed News.

These sources — a former intern and someone who has worked with Yiannopoulos for years both in and outside of the Breitbart News Network — as well as a video taken from a private chat offer a glimpse behind the curtain of one of a new movement’s leading provocateurs. The sources also suggest that much of the commentator’s work is written by a bevy of mostly unpaid personal interns.

Yiannopoulos confirmed in an interview with BuzzFeed News that he has “about 44” interns — “a mix of paid and unpaid” — writing and conducting research for him. But he denied that other people write stories for him start to finish.