
John Oliver Takes Alex Jones All the Way Down

lawhawk8/01/2017 8:56:42 am PDT

Trump will never ever change. He’s a guy who inherited his fortune and makes people think he got where he was through hard work. He has repeatedly failed outside his supposed core competency of real estate (he’s failed there too, but not as often), and yet he’s claimed to be a business wiz, a great negotiator, and knows how to make great deals.

Yet his entire tenure as president to date has been an unmitigated failure.

He can’t close a deal with his own party to pass any consequential legislation. The GOP can’t pass Trumpcare and that’s despite having a majority in both House and Senate. Trump threats fall on deaf ears in the Congress these days, and the noise and fury from the West Wing is deafening as all he has left is bluster and bullying.

All the while, the investigators keep digging, the journalists keep finding out juicy bits - like Trump was behind the denial letter about the June 9 meeting Junior had with the Russians along with Kushner and Manafort.

That means that Trump knew or had reason to know the content of the meeting and actively lied about the details of what was discussed. The legal jeopardy attaching to this is a whole lot worse for Trump, who still thinks he did nothing wrong and that he can do no wrong (legally or otherwise). The Trump cabal simply don’t think the law applies to them, and the GOP still enables their nonsense.

Ryan is going on this morning about how we need to build a wall (just days after Trump tweets that the border is secure, which would suggest no need for a wall) - and all these know-nothing regressives ignore that many who are here illegally have overstayed visas - not jumped the border.

There’s no consistent message.
There’s no consistent policy.
There’s no actual policy (far more serious and basic/fundamental).

All Trump does is rail online to his core audience with the same empty platitudes that got him the nomination, and he thinks that’s sufficient. His staff is in open revolt, when they’re not backstabbing (or front stabbing) each other just to last a little bit longer, or to show loyalty to Trump, who shows none in return.

Trump values loyalty to him. He uses and abuses people and discards them when their utility is no longer apparent. We keep seeing this daily, and the WH disaster was foreshadowed by his campaign performance where it was a series of disasters, each more unfortunate than the last - and yet the media kept their focus not on Trump’s failings, but on Clinton and her emails.

It’s rather ironic that emails keep showing that Trump’s the one up to his eyeballs in collusion and criminal acts.