
Oh Come On! Luca Stricagnoli Slays "Stairway to Heaven" on More Than One Acoustic Guitar at the Same Time

A Cranky One3/28/2021 9:16:19 am PDT

Something I’ve always wondered about the idea of using an AR-15 to “drive away the hordes” scenario. I have no expertise, so:

While an assault rifle is very effective at throwing a lot of bullets down range quickly and can have a devastating effect when it hits, aren’t the majority of rounds expended ineffective (in the sense they don’t hit a target) in a battle/gunfight situation? The AR-15 round is small and at other than short range, it would seem difficult to hit a target without time to aim. I wonder if these folks have ever considered that the “hordes” may also have weapons and could be shooting back? Or that they just have to wait until all the ammo is expended to attack?

I don’t think “I have a scary gun” is the deterrent folks think it is.