
Don't Drill, Baby, Don't Drill

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance3/31/2010 1:31:59 pm PDT

re: #154 Spare O’Lake

Unless I am mistaken, a company couldn’t drill any further than 20 miles off their respective coast, that 20 miles being considered the respective country’s territorial waters and such. I can drive up PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) past Huntington beach and see the oil rigs off the Cal coast and they may be 20 miles out (tops). They are visible from a long ways out.

I believe there are also limits to how big they can build these rigs. I watched a program on national geographic (i think) about how they build these rigs, tow them to sea, then sink them. There’s a limit to the depths they (and human divers) can go.