
Video: Georgia Prosecutor Investigating Trump Says Charges 'Ready to Go'

Nojay UK7/31/2023 2:37:40 pm PDT

re: #198 ckkatz

I used to have some photocopies of old WW2 British Army manuals involving how to blow stuff up gud. One of them discussed how to create a camouflet under a railway line since that was the only sure way to take it out of action for more than a day or two since the Germans also depended on railways for logistics and they too had dedicated railway maintenance teams in their military. This sabotage manual was for retreating forces attempting to disable lines they were abandoning and they were expected to have time, personnel, heavy equipment and a few lorryloads of explosives to do the job properly.

The RAF came up with their own solution to making camouflets, dropped from 20,000 feet, which worked quite well on a couple of railway viaducts shortly before the war ended.