
Overnight Micro Pig Tummy Rub

Reality Based Steve12/28/2013 9:35:07 am PST

The real racists are the ones on the left!!!!

A very unfortunate story from New Jersey…

A prominent New Jersey doctor well known for taking in foster kids was rocked by an unthinkable horror — when one of his adopted children allegedly stabbed another to death in their home.
“Rest peacefully, angel,” Dr. Robert Gallo wrote on his Facebook page with a picture of his daughter Teia, 20.
Her foster brother, Travis Gallo, 17, allegedly stabbed her repeatedly with a kitchen knife at around 5:30 p.m. Thursday in front of two other siblings at their Washington Township home, sources said.

Both the children were African-American. Why does this matter, because before my morning shower I was following an evolution thread over at FR and happen to hit this tread regarding the story. What follows are some actual posts, and only one person has commented that there “seem to be some racist things here”. You were warned.

I draw from this story more conclusions about race than about adoption.
I’m no anthropologist, nor am I a behaviorist (though I wanted to be both at one point) but I’m beginning to think there’s something about the Negro race that contributes to excessive emotionalism and impulsivity. The Negro race is one that evolved in response to a climate that’s hot almost all year long. Under those circumstances, excessive movement is undesirable. Yet at times, energetic movement is necessary, even life-saving. The nervous and endorcine systems of Negroes could have evolved to the point where sudden and forceful stimuli were required to move the individual from a necessary lethargy in order to take quick, decisive action where it’s needed. The conclusions are obvious.

and if that’s not bad enough, somebody else cuts to the bone…

Can take ‘em out of the jungle, but cant take the jungle out of them…..

Between this and the daily spew that comes from the likes of various RW pundits, as vile if only more subtle (in some cases), I do have a very real fear for our political process.