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Dark_Falcon7/16/2011 9:24:01 pm PDT

re: #206 ProLifeLiberal

Off topic, but I would likely detail statements I’ve said about tension between Bangladesh and India. While they have both done things to tick each other off, the majority of dick moves have been by the Indian Government, or parties therein. An example below about the Hindutva BJP on their foreign policy.

Who and what army? Seriously, Bangladesh has massive issues, and has some amount of internal problems at all time, and frequently spends 4-5 years to recover from Tropical Cyclone strikes. They get a bad one roughly every ten years. They cannot project power or threaten India. Simple as that. India can challenge China, and probably win. India is a step or two ahead of China tech-wise, and Bangladesh is somehow going to threaten them?

And then this:

Really classy to say. Of course you are going to piss off Bangladesh.

My dream is to see the fusion of India and Bangladesh. This will moderate India, and permanently cripple the BJP.

Which is why the BJP hates the idea. Gandhi would have approved of it, though. But the BJP makes its way up to power by stirring Hindu nationalist sentiments, so they don’t want non-Hindus in greater numbers. They’re like the EDL in that way.