
Seth Meyers: Trump Returns From Vietnam Amid Cohen Fallout [VIDEO]

Mike Lamb3/01/2019 10:36:15 am PST

re: #209 ObserverArt

That New Yorker article on Greenwald I linked in #190 is pretty good.

Glenn more or less admits he argues for the point of arguing and that he is a contrarian.

He really has a problem with guys like John Brennan being on a network like MSNBC. He obviously hates American intelligence agencies and thinks the Democrats have gotten in bed with all of them because of love for Clinton and hate for Trump.

He still hangs his hat on what he did with Snowden and I have a feeling that is why he is protective of Russians, they helped out his boy from being taken in by the US intelligence and government.

He is messed up in the head. I don’t think he is capable of thinking in the isolation a singular situation because he wants to generalize for sake of argument.

His apparent belief that governments shouldn’t have intelligence apparatuses and that there should something approaching 100% transparency on all matters is idiotic on about 300 levels.