
Another Gloriously Bizarre AI Video From Bob Schneider: "The Human Torch"

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈12/28/2023 10:28:16 am PST

Metro’s headline writer does not hide their opinion.

The Austrian developer of one of the world’s most famous handguns died yesterday at the age of 94.

Gaston Glock, a ‘reclusive’ engineer, formed the Glock company in 1963 in Deutsch-Wagram, nearby Vienna.

The Glock company announced his death yesterday saying that their founder ‘not only revolutionised the world of small arms in the 1980s, but also succeeded in establishing the Glock brand as the global leader in the handgun industry’.

It is unknown exactly how many people have died as a result of Glock handguns.

The company expanded around the world, including a US subsidiary founded in 1985.

Glock handguns are used by police and many countries’ military forces, as well as privately.

Man who made billions out of death and killing dies at the age of 94 (