
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

austin_blue5/27/2015 9:04:08 pm PDT

re: #213 ipsos

If I were designing Twitter’s abuse-catchers, I’m thinking I’d give very heavy weight to reports involving accounts that are very new and have very few followers.

Like, for instance @GotNewsResearch.

Plus, all the media coverage of the Chuckpocalypse pretty much obligates Twitter to keep acting quickly every time Chuck resurfaces, right?

One can hope, but it takes Twittizens ( Twittizens? Really? I just made that up, but is it legit?) to report abuses. I don’t have anything to do with Twitter, Facebook, or any other form of social media except for this joint.

I’m a Proud Social Media Luddite.

So there.