
Sean Hannity Tweets Image From 4Chan/White Supremacist Sites

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/26/2016 6:33:06 pm PDT

re: #213 Blind Frog Belly White

Chaffetz is promising years of investigations. Before the GOP took over Congress in 2011, Congress was pretty damned unpopular, with disapproval running in the high 60s, occasionally surpassing 70%.

Since they took over, and decided their only job was to shut down government, vote fruitlessly to repeal the ACA, and investigate Benghazi, their disapproval rating is ALWAYS in the high 70s, occasionally dipping into the LOW 70s.

And Chaffetz thinks America wants more of this.

And Chaffetz will get away with doing this because he’s in a safe seat in a very Republican state. I’m hoping that someone in UTah who hates Trump will primary him. I have no illusions. That state won’t go to a Democrat but it’d be nice if it went to someone who actually intends to do their damn job rather than conduct investigations designed to undermine the president.