
How to Get Banned From LGF

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/29/2009 10:07:20 pm PST

I want to write about the will not to believe.

We flew people to Syria to be tortured.

Do any of you honestly think that the Syrians are above doing the sorts of things in that post? Do you think the Syrians, or our friends the Saudis are above using electrics and power tools?

Do you realize that when you say well we wouldn’t do that, well of course we did? Just because we had our good friends the Syrians do such things for us does not mean we are exonerated.

Do you see my point?

Do you see now why I have been so furious at those who like to make excuses for the behavior of the last administration?

And what about water boarding?

Ask Christopher Hitchens if that is terrible torture. Of course it is.


We can not have this done in our name. It is the tragedy of America in these times that somehow people have learned to be blind to the realities of this. It is a deeper tragedy that so many of us gave into fear and found ways to not see the truth.

It is of course ironic that torture really does not work. Again. If it did, militaries would not apologize for it or ban it. War is hell. If it was to our benefit to torture from an intelligence standpoint we would do it.

And that is really the point. You can’t be the good guys if you stop being the good guys.

Then there is the main point that torture does not work.

If you torture either:

1. He would rather die then tell you.

2. You hurt him so badly that he tells you what you think you want to hear. In other words, he lies.

The big elephant in the room that no one on the pro torture side ever seems to acknowledge is that it does not work.

But, it is not. Only those who are truly sick want it to happen.

It disgraces us as a nation. It stains our honor. It saps our own will to believe we are in the right. It ironically strengthens our enemies by making us evil in the eyes of the world.