
CNN Interviews Trump Supporters - They Don't Care That He's Lying

lawhawk11/25/2015 7:41:05 am PST

To update on the Minneapolis shooting of BLM protesters. All 3 suspects now in custody are, in fact, white thugs.

Minneapolis police said Tuesday that they have arrested three men in connection with the shooting. Allen Lawrence “Lance” Scarsella III, 23, was arrested in Bloomington. Sources said Nathan Gustavsson, 21, of Hermantown, and Daniel Macey, 26, of Pine City, were taken into custody after they turned themselves in. All three suspects are white. Earlier Tuesday, police arrested a 32-year-old Hispanic man in south Minneapolis, but he was later released because, police said, he was not at the scene of the shooting.

Authorities are weighing whether to treat Monday’s shooting as a hate crime, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

Not only should it be treated as a hate crime, but as domestic terrorism. Alas, we know that it’s likely to be an uphill battle to call it a hate crime (even though there’s video showing the suspects engaging in premeditation to commit acts of violence against the protesters), let alone domestic terrorism, even though that was the intended outcome - to terrorize the protesters into silence.