
New From Seth Meyers: Republicans Try to Defend Trump's Corrupt Abuses of Power, Fail Miserably [VIDEO]

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅10/25/2019 9:00:13 am PDT

MIT Freezes Water At Boiling Point

It is known to anybody who is familiar with the laws of pressure, or who has tried to cook in the mountains, that the boiling and freezing points of water change when the water is exposed to differing pressures. Normally this effect is small, and only has causes differences of a few degrees. Researchers at MIT found that if water is placed inside a tiny enough space, a space only slightly larger than the water molecules themselves, then the freezing point can be raised to above its boiling point. This is done by means of carbon nanotubes, small straw-shaped structures that are the workhorse of nanotech.

Didn’t Vonnegut write a book about fucked-up ice? Yeah, he did; Cat’s Cradle.

Now the Dodos theme song from Ice Age is running through my head.