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mmmirele12/22/2021 12:56:09 pm PST

OK, so I want to talk about that $600K donation that Jeff Green made to Equality Utah. I have to admit I am terribly biased because I’ve known the head of Equality Utah since he was a student of my ex at the end of the ’00s.

First of all, Green is already on record as having said he is going to give away 90 percent of his wealth by his death, before he announced he was resigning his membership in the church formerly known as Mormon.

Second, you just can’t throw money around willy nilly. The organization has to be able to handle it. Equality Utah has had one donation larger than the $600K donation in its past. In any case, $600K is as much as the org took in for the entirety of 2019.

Third, you can’t downplay how significant Green’s actions are. People resign all the time; they aren’t usually billionaires and don’t usually send out public letters and take 11 others with them.

Fourth, the church formerly known as Mormon needs this challenge. I have lived in Mormon country for 28 years. Some of the teachings of the Mormon church are damaging as hell. Bishops asking underage kids from age 11 on up very intrusive questions about sexuality, the way the org treats LGBTQIA members…it’s unpleasant.

So much more I could go on about, but seriously, this us a good and important thing to have happened.